Old Navy’s Summer Catalog

New Kids On The Block‘s Jordan Knight made a big announcement via Twitter on Wednesday, “So…. here we are…my latest and greatest creation….. ‘Jordan Knight Sings the Old Navy Summer Catalog’!!!” At first, as hardcore ’90s fans, we were psyched to hear the crooner would be treating us with some new tunes, but admittedly we were taken aback by the title (we thought Fiona Apple‘s The Idler Wheel… was a mouthful).

But after LOL-ing through Jordan’s “promo” video for the “LP”, we realized it’s all part of a hilarious Old Navy stunt. Watch the “Give It To You” artist (backed by the “Jordainaires” as he calls them) as he literally sings the praises of the clothing store’s summer apparel in “Shirts”, “Dresses” and “Mix And Match Bikinis” of which the former New Kid jokingly tweeted, “‘Mix and Match bikinis’ really took a lot out of me….that was one tough session.”

To hear more head to JordanSingsOldNavy.com — we highly recommend “Flip Flops” if only for its lyric “You’re such a great shopper, girl”. Thanks, Jordan!

Read full article on Idolator.com.

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